Sunday, January 22, 2012

When life gives you lemons, write about it on the internet

Yes, I finally created that blog I was talking about

So for anyone that knows me personally you’ve probably seen me yapping on Facebook and Twitter about starting a blog and writing stuff for a blog, but it never happened.  I talked about it months ago and I never actually did it.  Well, I did actually start writing blog posts, but I thought they were all pretty terrible so I stopped.  So you may be wondering what finally gave me that swift kick in the pants to just DO it.  Well it all began with some pretty awful news . . .

“I’m really sorry guys, but the company is really struggling right now, and we, well we’re going to have to let you guys go.”

Yup. I was laid off. 

January 18th of 2012 I was relieved of my duties as content writer for Company X. I don’t like burning bridges so I won’t put the name of my former employer on here, but a little digging on my Facebook or LinkedIn page you can find out if you’re really interested.

So that was the swift kick. Showing up for work one day, going about business as usual, and then suddenly becoming an unemployed 24 year old without any leads or even a head start on finding future employment.  Yeah, not exactly the motivation I was looking for to start writing a blog, but hell, I guess I needed to find it somehow.

When life gives you lemons, write about it on the internet.

So now I suddenly have all kinds of free time.  I’ve been able to sleep in, work out, do lots and lots of job searching, and start a blog.  Oh yeah, and worry about where my life is going.  I’ve been doing lots of that.  And it scares the living hell out of me.  But I’m trying to be positive, and besides, I don’t need to trouble all of you with my sob story.

So that brings me back to writing this blog.  I have had the time to sit down, figure this blogging thing out, and most importantly, I had great material for my first blog post. This writing thing has been a great stress reliever and has given me some time for some introspection and self assessment.  I’ve always enjoyed creative writing and sharing my thoughts and opinions with people, however goofy they may be, and now I have that medium.  Anyone that’s been part of my fantasy football leagues can attest to that.   It’s been very liberating being able to share my not-so-fun story of being laid off and finding a reason to write.  I know I have plenty of strange thoughts to share, and now that I’ve broken the proverbial blogging seal, the ideas will hopefully start flowing freely.

Maybe nobody will like what I write, or find anything interesting, funny, or thought provoking, but it’s fun for me.  Maybe everyone that reads it will find it boring.  Maybe a handful of people will actually read my blog and enjoy it.  Maybe everyone will enjoy my material and I’ll turn this blog into a full time job, a future book deal, and my 15 minutes of fame.  Not Likely, but the internet does offer that possibility.  No matter what happens, for the time being I have an outlet to help get me through this time of unemployment, and maybe even help me get out of it. 

So I’ll continue to write, hopefully you’ll continue to read, and I’ll find a job soon. Keep your fingers crossed.


  1. Soooo awesome to see you went ahead and created this! Hopefully it will be the start of something big for you. Wish you the best!

    - Byron

    1. Thanks Byron! Unfortunately it took getting laid off to get it started, but I'm having fun with it so far. Still a lot to learn on how to make it look pretty and function better, but that's the fun part.

    2. Yea it took getting laid off for me to finish up my portfolio and redesign my resume, but as of today both are complete.

      You can actually do alot with blogger as far as customizing it. I made alot of them when doing SEO. I did this one for instance, their blog looks like it is actually apart of the client's site:

      Their Site:
      Their Blog:

      If you need any help with anything just let me know.


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